日本語 English

a piece of by 「僕ができること。」

Period : January 2022~ (2 months)
Role : Planning / Design / Coding
Skills : Photoshop / Illustrator / Adobe XD / Dreamweaver (HTML / CSS / jQuery / Javascript)

I was in charge of creating a new cafe site for high-end bread and cafe "a piece of".
There is a need for “want to increase the number of customer by creating a website” and “want people to see, feel, and become familiar with the atmosphere through the site”. It has a responsive design.

担当範囲:企画 / デザイン / コーディング
使用技術:Photoshop / Illustrator / Adobe XD / Dreamweaver(HTML / CSS / jQuery / Javascript)

高級食パン&カフェ「a piece of」様の新規カフェサイト制作を担当いたしました。

Natural and relaxing, friendly and homey feeling.

In order to meet the client's request, "want people feel to be able to come to anytime, like Starbucks or Komeda's Coffee," I created a design that gives an impression of comfort and sophistication with soft.




Intention/Point :
I was particular about the selection and placement of the photos so that you could get a sense of the interior and atmosphere of the store from the site. By adding a moderate amount of animation, I have produced a familiarity that you will not get tired of.

Problem/Solution :
Since the client distribute information mainly on Instagram and LINE, I tried to place buttons on each page to guide users. By setting the loading screen, I devised to reduce the rate of leaving the site.

意図・ポイント :
サイトから店内の様子や雰囲気を感じでもらえるよう、写真の選択や配置にこだわりました。 適度にアニメーションを入れることで飽きない親しみやすさを演出しました。

問題と解決策 :